【摘要】In this note we define a new topology on C(X),the set of all real-valued continuous functions on a Tychonoff space X.The new topology on C(X) is the topology having subbase open sets of both kinds:[f,C,ε[={g E C(X):|f(x)-g(x)| -={g∈C(X):g-1(r)∩U≠φ},where f∈C(X),C∈KC(X)={nonempty compact subsets of X},ε> 0,while U is an open subset of X and r∈R.The space C(X) equipped with the new topology Tkh which is stated above is denoted by Ckh(X).Denote X0={x∈X:x is an isolated point of X} and Xc={x∈X:x has a compact neighborhood in X}.We show that if X is a Tychonoff space such that X0=Xc,then the following statements are equivalent:(1) X0 is Gδ-dense in X;(2) Ckh(X) is regular;(3) Ckh(X) is Tychonoff;(4) Ckh(X) is a topological group.We also show that if X is a Tychonoff space such that X0=Xc and Ckh(X) is regular space with countable pseudocharacter,then X is σ-compact.If X is a metrizable hemicompact countable space,then Ckh(X) is first countable.
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